Monday, May 29, 2006



Flaxseed, that is...

Did you know that flaxseed has been around since 3,000 BC? The Babylonians cultivated it and it has been grown all over the world since.

What I didn't know when I started using flaxseed as a health supplement was that there are two types. One is grown for the fiber content to be used in the textile industry while the other is grown for the oily seeds. It's the seed oil variety that is used for health and nutrition. These small seeds, similar in size to sesame seeds, pack a healthy wallop.

Flaxseed contains Omega-3 fatty acids ("good" fats), essential to brain activity and a healthy immune system. It also has high levels of protein, fiber and lignans. Lignans are a plant chemical, known as a phytochemical, that release plant hormones. Recent research has shown a link between flax lignans and low incidence of breast, colon and prostate cancers.

I personally take it with a protein shake after doing a weight training workout, in order to maximize the protein uptake to the muscles for repair and development.

Here are the medically-proven benefits of using flaxseed on a regular basis:

  1. system regularity (helps prevent diarhea, constipation and IBS)
  2. reduce cholesterol
  3. guard against hypertension
  4. cancer prevention
  5. control diabetes
  6. contributes to a healthy immune system
  7. weight management
  8. PMS relief and menopause symptoms
  9. Omega-3 and Alzheimers correlation
On the last item, my wife swears by flax for reduction of "hot flashes". The severity was reduced considerably when she started using flax on a daily basis.

One last note: buy ground flax or grind your own, as it helps the body assimilate it easier. We buy organic, premium flax for our family.

To your health!

Friday, May 26, 2006


Cayenne Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer Cells?

Of Mice and Men...

Have you heard of the recent study that linked Cayenne pepper with the death of prostate cancer cells? It sure got my attention, as a young late-50ish male!

U.S. and Japanese researchers planted human prostate cancer cells into mice and let them grow. After being given capsaicin, the tumors in the mice started self-destructing and 80% of them were down to 1/5th the original size.

Capsaicin is the chemical in chile peppers that gives "heat" to food and a burning sensation in the mouth. Yum! Great on pizza, Mexican food and almost everything else. I've noticed that since I began adding it in increasingly larger amounts, it takes a lot more to get the burning effect.

Another thing I was NOT aware of is a "Capsaicin high" when consuming large amounts of it at once. The theory goes like this:

Theoretical but entirely plausible. Hmm. Maybe I should buy some stock in the food companies that sell Cayenne pepper......

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