Friday, June 23, 2006



Don't even hold one during a thunderstorm...

A 15 year old girl in England was using her cell phone during a storm, was struck by lightening, and is now in a wheelchair due to her injuries.

Three fatal cases were reported in China, Malaysia and South Korea. All were using a cell phone during a storm.

It's a rare phenomenon, but can be fatal. Perhaps it's listed as "rare" as other deaths/injuries may have happened but the medical reports didn't link them with the phone usage.

The very interesting aspect of this is what actually causes the injury/death while using the cell phone. When someone is struck by lightening, many times the electric charge is passed over them (called "flashover") without too much of a problem. However, IF the person is holding a metal object, the metal interferes with the flashover, preventing it from exiting the body harmlessly. That's when severe injuries or death can occur.

Please advise family and friends of this important safety item. It could save their lives.

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